
Showing posts from 2008

Chwee Kueh


Noodles with DoDo fishballs

my current fav lunch

Mm jai si mi kueh

I had leftovers of the kueh sarlat topping so I made these.

Ho lah ho lah, wu lang comprain kong boh new post! :P

braised pork with tau pok and hard boiled eggs. typical hokkien dish, right? baby bok choi with shrimps apple pudding shrimp fried rice Nah, mai kong boh lah

Time for breakfast?

Good morning

What should I name this Kueh?

I was making 9-layer kueh and had some leftovers. Did this.

BBQ - Summer of 2008

Our first bbq (with friends) of the year! It would have been perfect, to enjoy the yard, the swing, the garden but then the rain didn't cooperate. Anyways, the company was great and so were the food (ka ki kong eh) We had satay pork, satay chicken (didn't get the chance to grill 'cos friends were filled up) tiger prawns, scallops, beef ribs, salmon and fried bee hoon. Thanks a kind soul who made me this rempah for the salmon. Here' what was left of it by the time I remembered to take a picture for evidence. The fried bee hoon which how come looks like in an aquarium. Lighting no good or photographer's fault? Hee hee...... I am a satay man, come and buy from me.......... Before grilling: It was indeed a wonderful evening! :)

Shell pastas with Italian sausage

What do you do with leftovers bbq sausage? This lor. Hmm...yum yum......

Ju Hu Eng Chye

Summer veggies are available liao. So, grabbed a bundle of kangkongs and made this:

Yam Cake

Look!!!! Yam cake~~~~woohoo~~~~It was totally delicious!!!! No, no, no....not me, not me. My friend made it. She gets a 10 for both presentation and taste ~~~~ :D

Sambal Udang

Company's coming. How's this for dinner?

Curry Laksa

Hmm....yum yum.........but *cries*.........see hum see hum, where are thou?

Fried Bee Hoon

Erm, friends tell me that they like my bee hoon. It's really plain, almost vegetarian if not for the eggs. I like it too. :P

Ambon again

Piangz....nong time no come, almost forgot password liao ah. Okies, by popular demand, friends asked for ambon again. This time round, I make the ambon bigger.

The Boys Came Over For Dinner

The boys are back from campus. A humble meal to celebrate. :P

Prawn Noodle Soup

Okay okay....getting feedback that this blog is getting quiet. Here's one for a start. Been busy with "other" matters. :P

Durian Chiffon

My sis in law gave me this recipe. Yummlicious....yum yum.....

BDay - 2008

Thank you to all who made 2008's bday a wonderful and memorable one! Many special and pleasant surprises!!!! Thank you so very much!!! *muack muack* Here's one for the memories:

Reunion Dinner - 2008

We started with sharks fins soup. I soaked the fins in chicken stock for 2 days. The end results is actually not clear like this. I added chopped coriander leaves, a dropped egg and thickened it with corn starch. Can be seen in the last picture. We like this version which our aunt cooks it really nice and well. Pre-cook sharks fins soup. Bought a packet of jellyfish. All I did was added sesame oil, seeds, soya sauce, chopped coriander leaves, shredded carrots and cut chillies. I picked lettuce 'cos lettuce in Cantonese is "sung choi". "Sung" has the meaning "live". Hee pak kua hor? Anyways, this is lettuce in braised dried scallops and sliced abalone. But somebody has to tell me "I prefer abalone on its own." Okay okay, get the hint. Next time, it'll just be out of the can and dip in chopped red chillies. :P SO's favourite dish, assam fish aka assam nanas pedas. Heh heh....the lady at the check-out counter commented "wo

CNY cookies - 2008

My kueh tart My maiden effort with kueh mahmod.

Peanut Sugee

In line with the coming CNY, I started to bake cookies. Here's my frist up. Peanut sugee. This year, the end results were really yummylicious! One could really feel the icing sugar melts in the mouth before getting to the core to finish up the cookie. And it's really addictive!

Oh My Goodness............

Look what I got for my birthday!!!! What a pleasant surprise and birthday prezzies from my 2nd sister. So sweet and thoughtful. Love my prezzies very much......THANKS a gazillion!!!! I am using Pooh with his honey pot pad as I type. I thought I was going to use the other for the office but sekali kena kapo! Better not. I'll keep it for home use and perhaps put it in the study! Again, xie xie.......sister!!! :-D

Coconut Pau

Erm, I kinda remembered eating coconut-filled buns in S'pore.

White Fungus w/Lotus Seed

One of my fav desserts. Cools the body system and I heard good for complexion too!

Assam Nanas Pedas

Heh heh....somebody loves this dish till he thinks about it even in his dreams. :P

Braised Chicken Wings in Mi Chiu

One of the family's favourite dish. Easy to cook too and yummlicious! The generous amount of mi chiu aka rice wine is sedap nia!

Curry Puffs

Sonny's favourite snacks. Gotta make this treat before he leaves. This style is somewhat the Old Chang Kee version. My friend did a baked version which perhaps is healthy but I prefer the deep fry version. You leh?

Char Kuay Teow

This is my favourite hawker food. I ate half of it and was secretly hoping that no one else wanted it. Heng ah, boh lang ai jiak so I ate the remaining half for dinner. :-P Haiz....if only we have see hum here. :-(