
Showing posts from October, 2007

Sorli, no updates.......

Wah seh, nice weather for trick or treat tonight. But no, that's not the reason why I do not have updates. :P I got a test today so beri bz studying. :-) Wish me luck. Check back for month of November!


I got this idea from Bengawan Solo. They have this kueh, Sago Melaka. Well, I added grated coconut and came up with this. I did a tri colour and a duo colour. My most recent "adventure" in the kitchen. :P

And then there is Kueh Talam

Erm, ho kua boh ho jiak. *blushing* The coconut part a bit weird. Anyways, I am going to try it again some time and hopefully can get better results then.

Alamak.........jia lat..........

I forgot to which gathering I brought this kueh lapis to. hee hee...... Anyways, I usually make this kueh with tri colours but thought, ahhh....maybe just do 2 colours lah hor. I love this kueh very much, especially from Bengawan Solo. Come to think of it, my favourite kueh. can I forget...........

to showcase my kueh ambon???? *blushing* My sister's favourite kueh. And it seems to go well with friends too. Luckily, got one kind soul cart the mold, all the way from Sg also. Xie xie............

KL Mee

I learnt this from my good M'sian friend. Never had it in Sg till I live here. The black soya sauce gotta be the thick kind. Rare find here in Toronto tho'. So, the soya sauce beri precious. Gotta freeze it. No lah, kidding lah......the freezing part. Actually, I've only got one bottle left in the fridge. If runs out, I will go to my friends' house to eat lor. :P

Kueh DaDar

I've done this a number of times now but "wu tang si" (sometimes) good, "wu tang si" no good. Not mood swings ah but the chef's "ka chew" (hand-leg) not consistent. I gotta master the pastry!!!! argh~~~~~~

You think ah...........

If I serve this, my friends will be motivated to come not? Sekali they say "car break down", "snow storm", "dog needs walking", "time no enough"........

*Ahem* not hao lian leh but this is Makan Haven mah.

Pai seh hor, this blog hor....mostly food and pics of food leh. Hmm....let's see...what else did I cook. Oh yah, Breakfast at Pearl's. How about chwee kuay? But my friends not early birds lah. All like to sleep in one......kekekekeke~~~~

Oops, you didn't get the invitation card ah? *blushing*

Hee hee...........pai seh seating lah. Then gotta bid some more. Hahaha~~~~ Mee siam party leh. Oh, apparently, mee siam in M'sia boh gravy one. My friends say one. Aiyoh, how come so late liao still didn't serve yet? No need to guess lah. Of course late lah. kekekeke...............

Next Gathering - Akan Datang

Hmm.....owe some peeps dinner. Gotta think of what to cook leh. Jia new menu to showcase. Hee hee.....maybe this one? Chap chye?

Ziu Ji Kueh aka Cassava kueh

Eh, always a fan of cassava, here's one version I thought out. Bo lah, where got so smart, I remembered from eating at Bengawan Solo lah. :P Steamed then mashed cassava topped with grated coconut in gula melaka.

Abok Abok Sago

If makan be the spice of on............. A bunch of us take turns to host home gatherings/dinners and I usually enjoy making desserts. This is my maiden effort and friends seem to like it. Well, we are sort of Canadianized and will say "oh, it's delicious, awesome, blahs blahs....." kekekeke~~~~~

Why Blog?

Well, for me? I enjoy making desserts and some cooking. Some cooking? 'Cos I don't consider myself a good cook. I took many pictures of my culinary experience and I thought this will be a nice place to share. I am getting myself familiarize with this blog space and once I am up to speed, you can expect to see some pictures.