
Showing posts from December, 2007

My Christmas Prezzie

Aww....someone really knows what I like. Hao gan dong ah~~~~ *muacks*

Tapioca Talam

I ordered SEVEN cookbooks online (from S'pore). It finally arrived. Looked through the pics and saw this dessert. Thought I'll give it a go. Tapioca was good but the coconut layer? Hmm....mai kong de dio. Kek sim ah.......

Jemput Jemput

I don't know what happened but the jemput fell flat. Became banana pancakes instead. *blushing* This time round, I added grated coconut.

Games People Play

Of all the games played, I believe we all enjoyed Batman and friends the most. It was hilarious, fun and tiring - not only from the "work out" but from laughing. Judgement day for Basement Idol. :-P No, no, no.....not baseball. Old game but still popular Can only happen here. Last also got prize.

Ding Dong - Am I late for the party?

Nyonya Sambal Shrimps Curry Ayam Babi Hong Durian Pudding Jellies in Christmas colours.

Merry Christmas 2007

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2008 ahead. To good health, love, joy and peace. And may the good Lord above continues to watch over us and guide us in the coming new year!

Snow Storm

Aiyoh eh ah.....last weekend snow storm. Can sell ice balls lo.

Wo huei lai le~~~

Took a brief walk around the village. Too cold ah. No cooking pics to share lah but wanna see pics of ski resort not? Well, we went up north on a mini getaway. Too cold to walk around and then of course boh ski lah. Wa mana dare lah. Kua lang ski de ho. Weather was really good in terms of driving condition. Thank God.

Kueh Serimuka

Aka Kueh sarlat. I need to perfect the steaming of the top layer. Still getting bumps. Haiz......